Our Amazing Instructors

We Promise...

  • Outstanding coaching from some of the top black belt instructors in the world, personally trained by Shihan Quatrochi.
  • Proven performance strategies and concepts from Shihan Quatrochi’s 30+ years of training experience.
  • Unstoppable achievement through specialized planning, and consistent measuring, monitoring and feedback.
  • Rigorous accountability: Your instructor will become a friend, mentor and coach who wants and expects the best from you. Your instructor will challenge you to perform at your very best.
Anthony QuatrochiAnthony Quatrochi

Anthony Quatrochi


Shihan Quatrochi has been training in the martial arts since 1987, and has over 30 years as an instructor. Being a student of many martial art systems and styles, it was not until he met his JuJitsu instructor that he realized that this was the style for him. Kokoro Kai JuJitsu is a unique Japanese based system from which other martial art schools branch. At AQMAI we do not teach one modality of the discipline but focus on the Martial Movements of the complete Art. He started teaching at a local health club in Dutchess County in 1990. In 2003 he took his loyal students to their new home: Anthony Quatrochi's Martial Arts Institute in the Southside Plaza in Wappingers Falls.

Shihan's many years as an instructor have solidified his belief that martial arts are one of the only things in our society that still hold on to traditional value systems and integrate physical as well as tangible lessons. He feels a need to give back to his students all the things he was very fortunate to learn from many great instructors.

Email Shihan Quatrochi

Our Teaching Team

Sensei Lou LaPollaSensei Lou LaPolla

Lou LaPolla


Renshi LaPolla is our extremely talented and dedicated Senior Instructor. Renshi Lou La Polla knows first-hand the importance of learning excellent personal self-defense techniques. As a corrections officer for twenty-six years, Renshi La Polla has experienced more than most how the unexpected can happen. With twelve years of study at AQMAI, and with knowledge of training at other martial arts schools, he emphatically asserts that AQMAI is the best option to choose to learn to stay safe in an ego-free, family friendly environment. He does not equivocate, saying AQMAI is the only place he will ever train. Seeing others, children and adults , including his own son, progress in their learning of the art is a special benefit of his AQMAI relationship.

Sensei Adam WhiteSensei Adam White

Adam White


Adam White has numerous credentials and accomplishments.

We will be updating this section shortly to detail them.

Sensei Ron SchererSensei Ron Scherer

Ron Scherer


Renshi Scherer is virtually the embodiment of quiet assurance, an emblematic quality of the AQMAI style.

With over two decades of teaching eight grade, combined with a lifetime of learning and teaching martial arts, his patience and calm nature can always be counted on, on and off the mat.

As with many of our Instructors, Renshi began his time at AQMAI after bringing his own children into the school. He cites the fun and welcoming family atmosphere of the dojo as an initial appeal to begin his own training here in 2008. He continued due in part to the applicable every day skills of jujitsu. Amusingly, yet practically, learning to fall properly and be able to pop right up again is a particular skill he references as a learning milestone! His appreciation for the depth of the AQMAI discipline continues to grow as he continues to learn.

Not surprisingly, Renshi Scherer says special AQMAI moments for him include watching his children get promoted, and earning his own Black Belt. He looks forward to his continued learning with his AQMAI family and welcomes other to join in the experience.

Sensei James O'CallahanSensei James O'Callahan

James O'Callahan


Sensei James O'Callahan enjoys the "breakthrough" moments of being an Instructor, helping someone know and understand what they are truly capable of achieving. The "breakthrough moment" is, in fact, what led him to his training in the martial arts. After seeing a family member get hurt, and not feeling able to help, he chose to find and develop his own capabilities, and that is when he came to AQMAI. Training began for Sensei O'Callahan at the age of sixteen, and he says that he felt welcomed and at home at AQMAI right away. When asked why someone should study at the school, his answer is clear. "AQMAI is real. It's effective." His time here has helped him become focused and driven to always improve in his training, and all areas of his life.

Assistant Instructor PJ DarcyAssistant Instructor PJ Darcy

PJ Darcy


Sensei PJ Darcy frequently uses a particular word when asked about the AQMAI "family". Training at AQMAI the past eight years with his children, he says he's felt his definition of family grow to include his dojo training partners and instructors, in large part because of shared goals and ideals.

PJ is an extraordinarily self-motivated individual who participates in endurance challenges, including marathons and run-bike races, and he is targeting triathlons in the future. With his AQMAI teammates, he has completed many Tough Mudder and Spartan Races. He cites the school's tenet of constantly striving to improve within yourself, to be just a bit better today than yesterday, as a meaningful message that helps him and his children achieve their goals in life and in the study of ju jitsu.

It doesn't take long, working with Sensei Darcy, to see and know his dedication to his community, his family - both on and off the mat - and his art. His easy demeanor and ready smile make him a great teacher to any student and we were fortunate to welcome him as a Sensei in 2021.

Assistant Instructor Lauren SochaAssistant Instructor Lauren Socha

Lauren Socha


Lauren Socha is one of our newest Assistant Instructors. After just four years at AQMAI, her dedication and enthusiasm made her a natural for promotion. Lauren came to us for a trial after researching different martial arts styles and was hooked from her first day, when she learned the beginning steps of throwing a much larger opponent. She credits her time at the dojo with boosting her confidence and reinforcing self-discipline as she progresses through more challenging techniques. When asked why AQMAI is special to her, Lauren speaks of the atmosphere of the school as being a "great way to end the day" and looking forward to what she can achieve. We look forward to spending many more years with her, reaching her goals.

Assistant Instructor Derek DorienAssistant Instructor Derek Dorien

Derek Dorien


An invitation to visit AQMAI with his cousin seven years ago was a pivotal moment in Sensei Dorien’s young life. At the age of nine at the time of his arrival, Sensei’s dedication led him to help teach by the time he was ten. Today, beyond teaching classes, he can always be counted on to show up to help at dojo events beyond the traditional classroom; his work ethic and deep enjoyment of his time on the mat make him a true role model to the school's younger students.

He unequivocally states that his time at AQMAI has helped shape him into the person that he is today, beyond his acquired self-defense skills.

In his free time, the honor student enjoys working out at the gym and spending time outdoors.

Assistant Instructor Charles DaneheyAssistant Instructor Charles Danehey

Charles Danehey


Assistant Instructor Chuck Danehey is a recent addition to the AQMAI Instructor team. His determination and grit in achieving his black belt at an age when many people wouldn't even step on the mat to try a class are lauded by the whole AQMAI staff.

Known for unassumingly providing quiet and ready help to other students on the mat, Chuck didn't have much to say in a biography form, so we will state for him that Chuck is a devoted dad, a good friend, and a fervent fan of his wife's pie-baking skills. 

Assistant Instructor James DaneheyAssistant Instructor James Danehey

James Danehey


James Danehey's ready smile and irrepressible sense of humor, along with his skills on the mat, made him an easy choice for promotion to Assistant Instructor.

For two years, James has been achieving his goal of helping kids learn jujitsu. He began teaching in AQMAI's All Abilities class and now works regularly with the Beginner Jujitsu class, helping them, as he says, "learn new skills and stay relaxed.".

James joined AQMAI as a teenager and is still here more than a decade later. In that time, he was proud to help his own dad follow him to Black Belt rank; they can often be found taking class together on a weeknight.

Asked why AQMAI is special to him, James answered, "Because there are very good instructors and Sensei there." We happily count James among them.

Assistant Instructor Katie DarcyAssistant Instructor Katie Darcy

Katie Darcy


Assistant Instructor Darcy began training at AQMAI at just 4 years of age, following her two brothers onto the mat. In the years since, she has become a compassionate and encouraging instructor, particularly in our Women's Self-Defense seminars, where she makes everyone feel welcome and able.

She says she finds AQMAI to be a place to learn to push yourself, and besides pushing herself, she very much enjoys helping others achieve their personal goals through their hard work.

In Katie's case, this includes working with her own dad, who has been training alongside her for many years — just one of the special people she's met at AQMAI.

When she's not at the dojo, Assistant Instructor Darcy enjoys playing softball, being outdoors, participating in many activities with her church, and simply spending time with her friends and family.

Assistant Instructor John DiNonnoAssistant Instructor John DiNonno

John DiNonno


John DiNonno has numerous credentials and accomplishments.

We will be updating this section shortly to detail them.

Assistant Instructor Phil DiNonnoAssistant Instructor Phil DiNonno

Phil DiNonno


Phil DiNonno has numerous credentials and accomplishments.

We will be updating this section shortly to detail them.

Assistant Instructor Viggo ForsellAssistant Instructor Viggo Forsell

Viggo Forsell


Viggo Forsell has numerous credentials and accomplishments.

We will be updating this section shortly to detail them.

Assistant Instructor MurphyAssistant Instructor Murphy

Griffin Murphy


Assistant Instructor Griffin Murphy has put his best efforts into his training since his arrival at the school in 2021. His desire to learn to defend himself brought him to AQMAI, and with that desire, he brought a thoughtful, cheerful, and helpful attitude that quickly made him part of the GOLD (Guidance On Leadership Development) Team and then an Assistant Instructor.

He says he thinks feeling welcomed and respected are special attributes of AQMAI, and he clearly passes that on through his interaction with the students he helps to teach.

Griffin has many interests, including sports, playing the cello, and camping.

With his hard work and his supportive family, everyone at AQMAI knows that Griffin’s black belt and full Instructor status will be deservedly and gladly awarded in no time.